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Main Features
  • Manual gas pressure settings
  • High sensitivity, accuracy and precision
  • Flexibility and versatility of applications
  • Detector does not require reference gas
  • Powerful software for viewing results from a computer
  • Three types of samplers available: electronic / pneumatic / manual.
  • Easy connection to Mass Spectrometers and other detectors for stable isotopes analysis
  • Low operation and management costs
  • Low initial investments

The elemental analyzer CHNS-O Classic 4024 Model is an instrument for organic elemental analysis based on the Dumas method for the simultaneous determination of CHNS-O elements.

It represents an evolution of the elemental analysis techniques based on “flash combustion” / chromatographic separation. CO2, H2O, SO2 and N2 are separated in a GC column kept at a constant temperature, user selectable within 30° up to 110 °C.range.

The ECS Classic 4024 is a fully automated, microprocessor controlled analytical unit interfaced to a PC. The results can be viewed directly via PC using a dedicated software.

The ECS 4024 has one furnace configuration and it is optimized for C,S; C, N, S; C,N,H,S and S analysis.

The ECS Classic 4024 has three main modules: a sampling/combustion system (three different autosamplers are available and various types of reactors to ensure a constantly optimized application), the detection system and the data handling system.

This is a high sensitivity analysis instrument, very flexible and suitable for applications ranging from the pharmaceutical industry to marine biology, from the food analysis to petrolchemical analysis.
The Detector (TCD, Thermal Conductivity Detector) is self calibrating and does not require reference gas.

The ECS Classic 4024 combines robustness, reliability and flexibility in order to meet the most different analytical requirements.
The ECS Classic 4024 Model is particularly suitable for linking to other units for determination of the isotopic ratios of stable isotopes in elements.


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