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Nitrogen and Carbon Isotopes Analysis

Thanks to the ease of use, even a non-specialized technician can manage the instrument both in the research and routine analytical field for quality control and environmental sector. To emphasize its simplicity, all synchronization and correction functions are partially or completely automated.

The elemental analyzer can be configured in SO2 and / or NC mode.

The integrated magnet is automatic and permanently, already fixed in the correct position without requiring any adjustment by the user, thus making it one of the simplest tools to use. The analysis practically requires the loading of the samples, the setting of the elementary analyzer and the start of an automated analysis. The peak center, the calibration with respect to the reference gases and the linearity are performed automatically, making the work of the user as simple as possible.

The analytical results of EA IDmicro are clearly displayed on the instrument’s sample sheet, with a report wizard that allows you to view as little information as necessary. The data can be exported to existing Microsoft Excel, Access Database or LIMS (Laboratory Integrated Management Systems).

If technical problems arise that cannot be solved locally, IDmicro has an integrated IP address that allows technicians to be remotely connected to the instrument for diagnosing and correcting faults.

To make data processing as fluid as possible, the EA IsoDelta software is a dedicated and flexible suite, even for those with many needs both from an analytical and performance point of view.


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